Thursday, February 08, 2007

Greatest Godzilla Toy Ever...

best Godzilla toy ever

Sure some of you might argue about the Shogun Warriors Godzilla but the HG Toys Godzilla VS the Tricephalon set actually gives you an entire to city to trash, complete with army men and Monster to fight.

When I first saw this in the back of Famous Monsters, my mouth started to water a little. I still don't have one, dammit!

Tomorrow we go nuts with Fugly Lingerie....


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Oh my God! How I wish I still had mine! The only thing that remains of it are the Godzilla and Ghidorah ('Tricepha-what?') figures... which I suppose were the coolest bits apart from the box, anyhow.

  3. I had a newer version I bought in the '90' came in a small case shaped like Godzilla's head, had tiny buildings that fell apart, and had mechagodzilla too. I guess it was the "Son" of Godzilla battles the tricephalon. Monster. Playset. (whew)

  4. for records sake you might like to know that a red tricepahlon figure does exist. This version came with somekind of knights vs dragons playset. Tricephalon (the toy ver) was shown on the cover of the box as the dragon (and in red). Although I opened the actual toy set in the store many years back to confirm this I was not able to purchase the set (early 80's). I have been looking for this ever since--mazinz


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