Thursday, June 08, 2006

Words Fail me

I have to stop that Delta House

Man, where do i begin? The mind races with too many jokes. I know this guy thinks he's "Da Bomb" but those pants! Are they from the "Ted Knight Collection" for young men?

This guy reminds me of one of those villians from an "Animal House" rip off, "Charles Van Landingham from Preppie House"

Ugh, I'm sure as I hot post I'll think of something funnier........

The MegoMuseum has some pretty big mego news today, worth a look.


  1. I'm sure, in a longshot, that the ugly late 70's Buick looks better by comparison with him standing next to it!

  2. Remington Steele: The Prequel

  3. It's Dr. Kelly Brackett!!

  4. Looks like a Pontiac Bonneville
    or Parisienne in the background.


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