Sunday, May 24, 2020

Toy-Ventures: Top 10 Fisher Price Adventure People Sets

The Fisher-Price Adventure people were truly the game changers when it came to action figures in the 1970s. Their infectiously fun combination of vehicle and figure was an instant hit with kids when they hit shelves in 1975. Parents liked their nonviolent play structure and the fact that they appeared to be indestructible.

What's more important was the Adventure people didn't go unnoticed by other toy manufacturers and by the end of the Polyester decade we were literally awash in 3 3/4" goodness.

Here are the top ten Fisher Price Adventure People Sets.

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  1. Great episode Brian!
    I love your passion.

  2. I still have the airplane pilot after 45 years, and in recent years I've bought a few more, including the x-ray man.

  3. If you ever do a book on this series, I think you already hit on a can't miss title: "Three Men, their Dog - Two Sleeping Bags." LOL.

  4. As I may have mentioned here before, I love the Adventure People. I'd like to see them in some fiction. Who were these people? What were their adventures?

    I am clearly missing many pieces to my sets. For example, I think all I have left from the safari (probably my first set) is the woman, both kids and the gorilla. No sled (maybe Brian found it), no octopus or treasure chest, no shoulder cam or cables for the TV crew.
    Time to start rebuilding. But other than some thumbs/hands everything is in good shape. They were so sturdy that when my daughters were younger I let them play with them in their kiddie pool and sandbox. No way Star Wars or GI Joes were going anywhere near those danger zones.


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