Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Gigantic Toy Sale! $2.99

This ad is from 1979 and a lot of the toys on deep discount because they're being cleared out, I vividly remember something like this when I was ten. It was really hard looking at the Big Jim, Six Million Dollar Man, and Pulsar stuff I wanted as a kid for pennies. It haunts me to this day because I just bought some Empire Strikes Back Stuff.

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1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean about The Empire Strikes Back. When the Star Wars toys arrived in stores, I quickly forgot about Mego, GI Joe, etc.- something I really regret now. It seems unthinkable now, but back then I walked right by hundreds of wonderful action figures and went straight to the Star Wars aisle (damn you, George Lucas).
    But since then, I have come full circle and have rediscovered my Mego super heroes, Pulsar, and Adventure Team. I've even started to collect toys I never had back in the good old days
    $2.99 for Pulsar? I'm sure my aunt and uncle paid more than that when they gave me Pulsar for Christmas in 1978. Of course, I still have him, complete with the mission discs.


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