Monday, April 20, 2020

Jumpsuits...Fashion's Great New Look!

I think when this is all over, we should all emerge from our homes in matching Jumpsuits like these, who is with me? I've already signed me and the missus up for mustard yellow. As an added bonus, I'm going to bedazzle "His" and "Hers" on the backs. What a fine day that will be....

Don't forget to join our new facebook group.


  1. I'll take one in rust, pretend it's red and make bionic sounds everywhere I go.

  2. It has not escaped my notice that they are gold, red, and blue. Wear 'em with boots and put a gold emblem on the left breast.

  3. They really could be uniforms for a low budget sifi show.
    That or the very stylish hasmat suits.

  4. Not sure I'd wear sandals after the Apocalypse. I mean you might need to kick a mutant in the face...


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