Monday, April 06, 2020

Colorforms 1976

If I only could choose one back in the day, this would be an all-day decision and the only thing I'm certain of is what I left behind would haunt me. Which would you have chosen?


  1. I think it would have come down to Bat Man and POTA. Still can't decide at 46 years old.

  2. Definitely Batman for me. I had Chips, Mork & Mindy, and I think Dukes of Hazzard. About 10 years ago I repurchased a Spiderman/Hulk set on Ebay. Wish I still had the others. Loved Colorforms!

    JT, The Writer's Journey

  3. Batman, no second guesses.

  4. I'm with Barry on this one. Choosing between Batman or POTA?! Ugh. Could 7 year olds get ulcers??

  5. I have Batman, Planet of the Apes, and a different version of GI Joe. I have a bunch of other Colorforms sets as well. It's something I've gotten into in recent years.

  6. A friend of mine had that Batman set. I had Shogun Warriors. Neat idea, although easy to lose the pieces.


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