Tuesday, December 10, 2019

The best picture you will see today

My friend Ken shared with me this wonderful photo from around 1980 I suspect. I wish more of our parents took photos like this. Ken grew up not far from me and we can't ascertain if this is a WH Smith store of the Dominion Playworld in the Scarborough Town Center.

Either way, it's just glorious and I love the Mego Micronaut cameo.

If you have photos like this and want to share, PLEASE send them on down.

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  1. Ah, the stuff childhood dreams are made of! Fond memories of rows and rows of Star Wars figures, and daydreaming of taking them all home with me.

  2. I remember our local toy store had a little alcove in one corner for just Star Wars figures. Fond memories indeed.

    The complete lack of decor in the photo certainly doesn't suggest a major chain store. Looks more like the dusty back corner of a comic book store.

  3. Yes, I'd have to agree that it looks like a smaller place. Still, seeing a sight like that brings me back to simpler times.

    Makes me want to reach in there and grab some figures! XD

  4. Simpler times for sure.

    Interesting choice of shirt in the photo. #12 for the Rams was Joe Namath, but he only played a few games for them in 1977 before retiring.


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