Tuesday, October 01, 2019

The Plaid Stallions Halloween Shopping Guide

It's October, my favourite time of the year and it's not just because my best colour is brown. Nope, I love Halloween more than any other holiday and i don't even like Candy all that much.

I am however, a complete rube for the monster and horror-themed merchandise, so here are some of the things that put a twinkle in my eye and total stress on my bank account:

Something Weird Spook Show Spectacular A Go-Go: I love Something Weird Video, Vinyl Records and Spook Shows. This was made for me, I just hope it gets here in time for Halloween.

Frankenstein Tiki Mug I have a real fondness for Tiki bars although it's hindered by non-fondness for anything sweet that involves liquor. There is a whole series of Universal Monsters Tikis out there right now that are tasking me. It's just weird to drink beer out of these things...

GODZILLA: THE SHOWA-ERA FILMS, 1954–1975 The Criterion Collection: This is pretty much my childhood in one little package, a deluxe set of cleaned up Godzilla movies from the "Showa Era" (AKA the UHF years) with tons of extras and little perks. Even though this is a little pricy, it's also like the last Godzilla set I'll ever buy. 

Universal Monsters Paper People by Super 7- Seriously Super 7 is killing it this year with the Universal Monsters but of all the great stuff on their site (and you should check it out) I'm most in love with this tribute to the 1970s Our Ways Studios Jointed Giants.

Zombie Action Figure Fulci's Zombie is one of my favourite horror movies and this licensed figure coming out from Pallbearer Press and Distinctive Dummies is just all kinds of awesome. i was lucky enough to score their Coffin Joe figure before it sold out and let me tell you, it's glorious. Do not sit on the fence on this one because it will sell out and quick.

Mego Horror Wave 7 Figures: As most readers of PS would know, I'm a ginormous Mego nerd and they've really been knocking it out of the park with Horror stuff lately. I'm especially fond of Wave 7's Mummy and Phantom of the Opera which were created by some great people I know. There really is no bad figure in this series to be honest.

Battling Franken Mutants- Inspired by Toho's "War of the Gargantuas" these wonderful inaction figures by Stexe (who also makes this wonderful piece) actually do battle thanks to magnets.

Super 7 Creature Beach Towel- Yeah I want this too, although I'd also like a whole series of the monster surfing. I remember that "Frankenstein goes surfing" was a throwaway gag movie name on "Gilligan's Island"  and I was six and thought it was a real movie. 

Universal Monsters Bend Ems- Apparantly these throw back to the early 1990s Bend Ems are popping up at Walgreens, I don't live anywhere near of one those, so this photo and article links to Dinosaur Dracula's blog, they know more than i do on the subject.

I'd really like to know what other cool stuff you've found this year, leave me a comment here or on our facebook group Pod Stallions so i can hopefully do a part two this month.


  1. I preordered that Godzilla Showa set almost as soon as it was announced. The best part of the set (for me) is the original Japanese cut of King Kong vs. Godzilla; this is the first time its been (legally) available in the US!

  2. Oh wow, that makes it even sweeter. I haven't pre-ordered yet but soon will.

  3. Didn't see anything like the monsters here at my Walgreens, but part of the fun is the hunt, right? Enjoy the month ahead!

  4. The Walgreens Universal Monsters Bendies are showing up sporadically all over the country. They're definitely in California, as my brother just sent me two sets of them... and my buddy in Southern Pennsylvania found them there. They have yet to show up in Maryland/Baltimore, as I've checked three local Walgreens with no luck... The hunt continues!

  5. Lol, I ordered the Criterion Showa era Gojira/Godzilla set when it was first announced too!!! Wish they'd get the rights to the Heisei and Millennium series too, I have all the films but 'Shin Gojira'. They're a mess though with half of them dubbed and apparently the dubbers really messed around with the dialog and plot. Would be nice to have a complete set all sub-titled with the original Japanese story and dialog.

  6. I've heard that Big Lots also sells those new Bend Ems, for what it's worth.

  7. I saw the Bendems at the Wlgreens in Marshfield, Missouri.

  8. I love that beach towel... AND it's character appropriate for the water!


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