Monday, September 09, 2019

The Adventure People Sky Surfer

If you find yourself saying "I don't remember this!" that's correct, it seems that the Kite with Stuntman figure set was cut short in it's release in 1978 (where i most definitely would have gotten this for Christmas). Depending on where you look the item was either recalled due to the Stuntman figure falling off or that the kite wasn't very good. Either way, if you see one in the wild, grab it!

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  1. Damn, that would have been cool. Probably end up living out its days in a tall tree though, much like most of my planes with wind-up propellers.

  2. By contrast, the Fisher Price Adventure People parachute set is/was one of the best designed toys of its type ever made. Vastly superior to the GI Joe version that came out years later.


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