Thursday, June 27, 2019

Flash Gordon Rocket Range

King of the Impossible and King of the drugstore toy aisle, Flash really got around.


  1. Cool toy but you'd need a really tiny hand to hold that gun. What is the source of that logo? Don't think I've seen it before.

  2. The best way of holding one of these things is to lock the grip with your middle finger and curl your palm around the bottom, YIN.

    Kinda like this...

    Decades later the same pistol design (Flash Gordon's, not the stainless revolver) was used by Beeman Precision Arms in one of the best "rack toys" ever made for grownups: the Air Venturi

    It isn't just a toy and it really DOES work. The Venturi pays for itself the first time you get a confirmed kill on one of "those" spiders in an out of the way corner. Yeah, one of THOSE...

    It's funny because it's true. Okay, if you happen to see one of these crawling across the carpet, like Chief Brody said, you're gonna need a bigger boat.

    Protip: mashing one will really mess up your carpet/ floor/ basement ceiling/ all the pipes hanging from the beams/ and even concrete foundation.

  3. Seventiesfan7/02/2019 6:12 PM

    My Flash Gordon Extension Gun (by that same toy company) is on its way in the mail,


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