Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Now this is a Marvel Team Up

I won't lie to you, I've dreamt of these guys getting together.

New Six Million Dollar Man Shirt in our Redbubble store!

Don't forget to join our new facebook group.


  1. I would have bypassed the action figures, and went right for the Starcruiser. I did, my mother bought me one when it came out.

  2. I had the Starcruiser as well!

  3. Seventiesfan5/15/2019 3:58 PM

    Darth Vader's eyes and light saber glow in the dark. I bought mine with the original box and not assembled, but somehow I managed to put it together.

  4. Yeah, I had the Starcruiser as a kid! Took me forever to find out what it was. I think it was this site that pointed me in the right direction last year on what it was and the right name behind it to look for it online!


  5. Star Cruiser! That was a very cool model.

  6. One of this Anon's fave antique stores has a "mint" opened box of the Vader model. Been there for ages.

    Even as a kid, the white light-saber would have immediately triggered my inner Star Wars Accuracy Nerd, even if it does glow in the dark.


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