Wednesday, May 22, 2019

M*A*S*H Field Hospital Playset

Is it just me or does it look like Trapper John is about to round second base on this package?

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  1. The "patient" looks like rigor mortis has set in and the helicopter is absolutely the wrong type, but its a cool set never the less.

  2. OMG, that is funny. And yes, that is definitely the wrong helicopter.

  3. No Klinger in dress and heels figure, no dice.

  4. Make sure you save the box for when its time to "bug out".

  5. Whoa! What could that be if isn't a bare chest?

  6. Suicide is painless, but merchandising a TV show with a heavy anti-war bent brings on many questions, but I can take or leave it if I may.

  7. And Hawkeye's right hand is grabbing the collar and helping to expose poor Hot Lips...


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