Saturday, April 06, 2019

Mr. Mentor's Autograph

After watching the Shazam! movie last night (It's a lot of fun), I was reminded of how obsessed I was with the Filmation series as a kid/adult. 

One of my favourite pieces I've found is this Mr. Mentor promotional "autograph" from the series. Seeing as Les is no longer with us, it's the best I'll ever get.

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  1. I've been watching restored Shazam on DC Universe. There's even a short doc about how they restored the series by collecting various long-lost elements such as the "lessons learned this week" segment that was cut from all the syndicated versions. Love the Isis episodes. Let's not allow terrorist to own the Isis name and only acknowledge the super-hero version.

  2. I read an article recently that said that in the original show bible for the series, it was stated that Mr. Mentor had been a previous Captain Marvel, before Billy. I love not only that idea for the show, but how it ties into the larger Captain Marvel lore of the comics.

  3. I will always be grateful to Filmation and the people who worked there for sending me, on separate occasions, a signed Isis picture and a stack of photographs, which I still have and are still in beautiful condition. I also have a letter from Norm Prescott, who kindly answered my questions as a 10 year old. The letter has the characters from the shows going down the side. Beautiful thing.

    Incidentally, there is a rumour that the Shazam TV show is coming out on blu ray through the Warner Archives. Will have to wait and see what happens there.


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