Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Show 'N Tell: Phono-Viewer

A record player that shows images? Man, this is a game changer unfortunately the VCR was a bigger one.

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  1. From a historical perspective,the copy shows advertizers realized parents were (even back then) concerned with what their children were getting exposed to on the airways.

    "kids can choose what their parents want them to watch"

    Then the "top of the line" model indirectly defeated the purpose because it allowed kids to "get into the world of grown-ups with a real AM radio!" Made all the worse back then because AM is where all the hard-rock stations used to be. If parents were concernted about keeping their chldren away from those steamy afternoon soaps or violent shows like ChiPs and Dukes Of Hazzard, it's probably a bad idea to let 'em listen to AC/DC's "Highway to Hell".

  2. Why did kid's toys always get stuck with crap AM radio? Did they think junior wanted to hear the farm report?

  3. I remember being disappointed in this when I got one. I guess I thought that the images were video images, not still images. In addition, I though I could put on my Partridge Family and Banana Splits records and would be able to watch them performing. I guess I was way ahead of my time. Or at least my expectations were.


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