Friday, January 11, 2019

Barbie's Friend Ship

After showing Big Jim's Sky Commander earlier in the week, it seems fitting to show the Barbie Equivalent.  During this particular segment, Ken had the fish, so Barbie had to land the plane.

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  1. I remember that flight. I had the lasagna.

  2. If my sister had owned one of these Ken would have been doing a Dan 'D.B.' Cooper impersonation...

  3. Vintage child-oriented product-placement is pure nostalgia. It started to lose its charm in the 80s thanks to "Too Much Of A Good Thing". But this is sweet and Barbie looks downright snappy as a UA stewardess.

    Gamera's on to something. Captain Ken just abandoned the plane on auto-pilot? Stewardess Barbie is in peril? This looks like a job for the GI-Joe Action Team! Hey, there was a "Turbo Copter" and a "Flying Rescue" pack. So the Joes had apparently planned for this scenario.

    Gamera's sister would probably get bored when the action on The Friend Ship began resembling a good Saturday morning cartoon. If the Adventure Team rescue is the worst Barbie has to put up with, she should count her blessings.

    Just wait until the Kenner Alien sneaks out of the aft storage compartment. See... that's the REAL reason Captain Ken bailed out. He just read Special Order 937.

  4. Anon, I like the way you think!

    If the Joes couldn't make it I could see a Mister T figure making his way forward from the economy seats to face the Xenomorph figure:

    'I don't like flying to begin with and if you think I'm putting up with your alien jibber-jabber you gotta 'nother think coming fool!!!'

  5. Well, that settles it. I know whose house I'm playin' at next Saturday!


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