Tuesday, December 04, 2018

World of Adventures

Ah, this photo will be my happy place today. That orange scuba set was well played with in my house.

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  1. Someone needs to release a "morale patch" and "challenge-coin" with that logo. A lot of real-deal military people would love it just for the awesome nostalgia.

    The G.I. Joe Adventure Team. When you say it out loud, it's just so magnificent.

  2. They did a great job posing the 4 Joes together in that top-left shot. Only 1 is looking at the camera. It gives it a lot of realistic personality.

  3. World of beards more like. What is up with all that chia chin hair? Didn't any of the action sets include a razor?

    Also, that castle's kind of cool. Is it by Marx?

  4. What was the date on this one. Early 70s sometime. '72?

  5. TR says:

    I think the reason for [the big BEARDS + big hair] on the GI joes, is that:

    In the USA, in the 1970s, big hippie hair + big hippies' beards were popular on tv...and in pop culture.
    So I think the 1970s GI Joes getting these haidos + beards, was Hasbro's way of cashing in on that craze.

    That's just my guess, anyway.

  6. Oops.

    I meant to say, hairdos, + not- "haidos".

  7. I think it was more of a rugged outdoorsman lumberjack type thing. An adventure/military man wouldn't stoop to hippy trends when growing a beard for practical reasons; Winter warmth and because it's hard to get a good shave with only a mostly frozen mountain stream. If G.I. Joe grew a beard purely to mimic the looks of hippies, it was only so he could go undercover, blend in with the subversive pinkos, and destroy their commie movement from within.


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