Friday, December 21, 2018

PodStallions 68: The Prisoner

This month's show revolves around a television classic, the 17 episode maxi series "The Prisoner" a show that despite it's short run has an impact on television to this very day.

Along the way, we discuss Doctor Who, Starlog, Baby Secret of the Lost Legend, Danger Man, Columbo, Jason's adventures with tequila, Brian's gift to Mr. McGoohan and Chuck the Security guard. 

Be Seeing You.

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  1. Ah, one of my favourite shows.

    I also first noticed it in Starlog and I got a sense of mystery and intrigue from the few snippets they showed (mostly tv listings), but then I finally saw the show in 1988 on CityTV (and some station from the States that I could barely tune in on the UHF).

    My first episode was The Girl Who Was Death and I was hooked, even though I could barely understand what was going on until I saw a few more episodes. I couldn't talk to anyone about it at school 'cause no one else that I knew was watching it.

    I got the four-issue comic 'round the same time (coinciding with the 20th anniversary of the show), which was okay, but not very satisfying.

    All my attempts to expose others to this show have failed...and I still don't personally know anyone else that is into it, let alone knows about it.

  2. So despite having seen bits of the Prisoner here and there growing up, I never had a interest in watching it. I listen to all episodes of Pod Stallions even if it's subject matter I think I will not enjoy. But I always do like the episodes. In fact you sold me on watching The Prisoner by simply stating the fact that it was only 18 episodes. I was like "okay I'm in". I'm 5 episodes in, please reassure me that this is going somewhere. I appreciate how off beat and oddball it is but I'm not sure if I'm going to continue through. Is there, for lack of a better term, a payoff?

    Also, Iron Maiden did a follow-up to "the prisoner" called "Back in the Village". I even recognized dialogue from an episode that was used as lyrics. "Words have no meaning and answers a prison for oneself" something like that.


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