Sunday, October 21, 2018

My Fantasy Island Collection

Inspired by the new movie "My Dinner with Hervé" (Dinklage is pretty amazing in it BTW) I thought it would be fun to showcase the nick nacks (pun intended) that I've collected from the TV series "Fantasy Island".

Growing up I rarely missed the show on Saturday nights, it's mix of fantasy, comedy and horror were pretty intoxicating to my younger self and I've been an unironic lifelong fan. There isn't a lot of merch and while not expensive, it's elusive.

So my guests, welcome to Fantasy Island and join me after the jump!

Craft Master poster Art set, I was searching for this for quite a while until a kind person who found it at a yard sale reached out to me. I was able to name my price and while I don't think the person got why i wanted it, they were extremely kind about it.

It's freaking gorgeous BTW.

The Ben Cooper Tattoo costume erroneously gets listed in click bait "Worst Halloween Costume" type lists but come on, he was a huge pop culture icon when we were growing up. This doesn't come anywhere near the weirdness of "Father Murphy" and never will. I picked this up last year and trasure it.

Fantasy Island Paperbacks, there are two of these and I own both. I think I spent six dollars on both.  I have never attempted to read them, I'm sure they're stimulating.

HG Toys Puzzle- This may have been the piece that kicked off the collection. It's also the first time I ever got recognized for this blog. I bought this at a sleepy toy show in upstate New York and when I bought it the dealer said "Are you the PlaidStallions guy?" which of course, surprised me.

Of course, I've dabbled in creating custom action figures, this is Mr Roarke and the Devil played by Roddy McDowell. The devil episodes are my absolute favourite, being a fan of all things McDowell of course.  I have a Tattoo in the works as well.

Speaking of Action figures, I found these magnificent hand-painted beauties on Ebay, they're for 12" dolls and are perfect. I just haven't gotten around to giving them bodies yet.

Finally, this vintage Iron On was given to me by a gent named Clark Bucher. It's actually licensed and I had no idea it existed. I'm terrified to actually wear it as I'm fond of gravy but I am in awe of both the gesture and the item.

Other than the board game (why don't i own that?), I think that's it for Fantasy Island Merch I don't have. Unless you have something I don't, if that's the case, please show me!

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  1. Did you see the Fantasy Island remake ABC put out some years ago with Malcolm McDowell as Mr. Roarke? It was pretty good, it upped the "fantasy/horror" elements. However I think it may not have caught on as much because of the tone change. Maybe it needed to be funnier and less scary. But it still had some interesting elements. If you can find it on a Canadian streaming service it's worth a peek. Here's the Wikipedia entry:

  2. Love the collection! Such fun pieces, and seem pretty rare in the wild!

  3. The poster art is great -- it kind of looks like Neal Adams and he did a lot of random commercial art in the 1970s.

  4. "Horror"? What horror was there in Fantasy Island, other than the prospect of spending an hour watching a suburbanite's maudlin dreams play out?

  5. Also, check out this Lego set:

  6. What did Tatoo say when he stubbed his toe? "Da Pain! Da Pain!"


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