Thursday, June 28, 2018

Jukebox Jamboree!

I know that I throw around the word "need" entirely too much around here but I NEEEEEEED THIS!

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  1. Awesome, I guess this would've been the next step up from the Fisher Price travel record player?? - Mark J

  2. The truly burning question is what tracks were on the "7-in. record included".

    1. Apparently the 45 it came with was C.W. McCall's Convoy, with the flip by a band called The Company, I found it in the comments on a YouTube vid about the jukebox jamboree record player! - Mark J

  3. From the 1942 Walter Lantz cartoon of the same name.

  4. Ancient enough to remember commercials for Emenee toys in the early 60s. There was a little loudspeaker with a microphone; the commercial showed some kids singing into it (the original karaoke?); then a bunch of boys playing war with one kid wearing the speaker on his chest while yelling orders into the mike (I wondered if real soldiers did that). I also associate Emenee with spots for a toy bagpipe, but that could be a misplaced connection.

    Even with an iPod carrying thousands of tracks, I'm still drawn to the once cutting-edge entertainment technology of my youth: Little reel-to-reel tape recorders; stereos with woodgrain veneer and fold-out turntables; Give-a-Show projectors, Castle Films, etc. I may still have a handheld cassette recorder around here somewhere, from the time it was marketed not as a toy but a yuppie executive tool.

    I particularly remember coveting a little player piano called, I think, Pianolodeon. Never acquired, but I do have a lot of player piano recordings on the iPod.

  5. Just a quick thanks to the Anon who answered this Anon's question about the 45's tracks.

    " I'm still drawn to the once cutting-edge entertainment technology of my youth..."

    Officially nominating Donald Benson for the Plaid Stallion Grooviest Comment Of The Week.

    Y'know, the only thing cooler than a hand-held cassette recorder is one that transforms into giant samurai robot with a rocket pod on his shoulder, a laser missile launcher side-arm and his own personal army of nasty little cassette-minions. Just sayin'.

  6. How much is the jukebox jamboree worth

    1. I was wondering as well I have o e the red one


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