Tuesday, June 19, 2018

A whole mess of 1970s Belt Buckles

Does anyone else love the fact that Lee Majors and Farrah are on this page? I'm pretty sure I'd have gone for Kong as a kid.


  1. I have to admit, this Anon is offended by all the faux-ness.

    The 1970s still saw widespread manufacturing throughout North America. There was no need for "bonded leather fibers" or "cast metal" in "brass-look" or "copper-look".

    It was still financially profitable for ordinary consumer goods to use -genuine leather- and -solid brass-. These materials were proudly manufactured by union labour in companies where everyone could smoke on the job unless there was a specific production-related reason not to.

    The King Kong buckle would still attract today, especially when it's worn low on the hips by a confident Plaid Stallion who knows he can make good on the boast.

  2. I would've asked for the $6M Man or the skateboard, but nonchalantly mentioned "or that Farrah one if they're out of all the others" because I didn't want to admit to my parents that her nipples made me grow.

  3. Was anybody clamoring for the Toughskins buckle? Like, ever?


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