Friday, March 30, 2018

Open your door to a masked man with a gun

While popular on our home turf, the Lone Ranger seemed to enjoy "rock star" status in Europe.

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1 comment:

  1. The Lone Ranger enjoyed "rock star" status in Europe, thanks to the Continent's enduring fascination with the American Old West. Why and how "Cowboys 'n Indians" became such a widespread interest is a subject for a very different sort of blog.

    Short Version: It took off with Buffalo Bill Cody and his “Wild West” show. The company toured Europe three times: 1887, 1890, and late 1902. The fictionalized and romanticized American Old West became an outlet for Europe's repressed yearnings for things they'd abandoned in the name of "culture" and "civilization".

    As America itself becomes more "European" in terms of its laws and urban sprawl (with all the ills and restrictions that follow), the Old West is experiencing a rapid resurgence in popularity from its heyday during the 1950s.

    Big article here:


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