Monday, February 26, 2018

"V" Cool

My original name for these was "Groin Pointers" but I was outvoted, typical office politics...

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  1. The perfect mid-point between "polo" and "poncho".

  2. Brick ain't tellin' the whole truth here.

    Sure he got outvoted, but Larry's idea for "Crotch Arrows" got dumped too and he goes jogging with the boss. Their wives do fondue parties together and everybody knows it. So it wasn't just office politics.

    Still kinda miffed since my idea of spelling it "V"-Kool was shot down by that pencil-necked vulture from the legal division. Started squawking how the name might bring down the wrath of the cigarette manufacturer.

    I asked him, "Then why haven't they sued the band Kool & The Gang?" The man gave me a blank stare... "Who?" The man never heard of Kool & The Gang but by then he'd rattled everyone.

  3. I completely non-ironically love these shirts and would wear them on alternating days to work.


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