Wednesday, November 08, 2017

Big Jim Motorcross Honda

Picked up this oddity at last month's Kane County toy show. It's the regular Big Jim Honda bike that was released for a couple of years but for some reason it's got the Pack logo emblazoned on it.

This isn't a sticker either, it's printed on the box. The best I can figure this is a transitional piece released before the P.A.C.K vehicles had been devised.

I have limits on what I buy and I don't actively collect the All Stars line but this sort of  crept in. Also, when I picked it up the dealer automatically kicked 25% off his posted price without me saying a word. That kind of tactic works really, really well on me.

More Big Jim than you can handle!
big jim pack comic mexican cipsa big jim

mego in spain 1977 Mattel Toyfair Showroom from 1975Mattel Big Jim figures 1975


  1. Hauntedheadful11/08/2017 10:01 AM

    I love that it's a faithful replica of an actual model.That's an early 70's CR250, before they became red.I don't know much about The Pack.That line wasn't distributed much in the U.S.,although I hear it did well in Europe.I have a figure,I think it was called Zorak or something, that has a face that turns from human to a green monster.Was he part of the pack?

  2. Hauntedheadful11/08/2017 10:04 AM

    Just read one of your links.Apparently Zorak and double trouble Jim were part of the pack...Never mind!

  3. Seventiesfan11/08/2017 8:48 PM

    Most of my Big Jim collection I've bought on Ebay in recent years, but that Motocross Honda cycle I've had since 1974. I keep it inside the Sky Commander.


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