Wednesday, September 07, 2016

Tickle Me Jimmie Walker

 So powerful was Jimmy Walker's presence on "Good Times" that he was the recipient of two different plush novelties in 1976. Above the deluxe talking edition, which is the least terrifying looking plush on the page.

A scowling plush of James Evans Sr (played by John Amos) that said things like "I'm gonna get my belt!" would have been the perfect companion to this (and likely not sell a single unit).


And here is the lower priced, "Kid Din-O-Mite" doll.

Both of these figures were made by Shindana, a company that I personally adore. You can see the 1976 catalog here.

1 comment:

  1. Seventiesfan9/08/2016 8:59 PM

    My sister had that Drowsy doll around 1975, and I'm pretty sure I had the Bozo one. I remember I watched his show back then. I recently bought the JJ doll on Ebay for a very good price- $3. He keeps the Marla Gibbs doll company.


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