Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Arm's Master

I love Rack Toys, I love Space:1999 and of course, Knock Offs. So when all three get together and have a baby, it's a good time for me. Meet Arm's Master, a weirdly named series of toys that stole the molds from both AHI Space:1999 and Star Trek toys (seriously, check out this phaser!).

Seeing as the eagle gun pops right off the card, let's take a look at the art after the jump:

This scenario plays out in my head a lot!

The artist actually put a phaser and a 1999 stun gun in what I guess the hero and the villain's hand.

I kind of want to know these characters back stories....

The toy itself appears to a total copy of the AHI molds, I imagine these came out at the same time?

More Space:1999

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