Friday, July 08, 2016

Battle of the Planets Tricycle

Well, my pal Dave over at ToyNerd (go check it out, I'll wait) succeeded in two things 1) Showing me something I've never seen before and 2) Totally making me want a girl's bicycle!

Follow me after the jump for this awesome Battle of the Planets piece.

Seeing as Princess rode a three wheeled bicycle this may be the most authentic piece of BOTP merchandise we saw on this side of the Pacific.

The sticker on the back is a reproduction but the seat is totally Gatchaman.


Thanks again to Dave 


  1. A trike with a back seat? A young entrepreneur could make a few bucks taxiing kids around the neighborhood with that little number!

  2. Yeah! I like how there is a section on the back, for you to pick up a passenger, or for you to pretend that your bike is a limousine! :D

  3. I found the seat for one of those a couple of weeks ago. I was wondering what trike had it. Now I know what I'll have to keep a watch out for!


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