Wednesday, February 03, 2016

Superheroes 3 for $5.99

This page will be my happy place all day.


  1. Ye Gods! I seriously want that Dick Tracy set!!

  2. That's some cool BBQ-action going on there!

  3. Yeah, with a "campmobile" like that one, you can expect a great flower-power-party.

  4. As awesome as 3 for 5.99 Megos is, the prize of that page is the Dick Tracy set. I would've loved that as a kid. I would've brought every kid in my neighborhood in for questioning

  5. Seventiesfan2/06/2016 3:53 PM

    Those are all very nice, especially the super heroes. If only those were the prices today. The reproductions of Batgirl and Robin that I gave my niece and nephew for Christmas cost $22 each- and that was the lowest price I could find. The accessories to complete my super heroes have also cost me quite a bit on Ebay. All right, where is that tine machine I hear so much about?


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