Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Star Wars Pendants

My dad sold these by the truck load back in '78, I honestly wished I'd kept one.


  1. Yeah I had the C-3PO one for awhile when I was a kid. I took the chain off and just carried it in my pocket as a mini action figure.

    They seem to be readily available on Ebay & Etsy

  2. I want to wear the paersonification of malevolence in heavy black metal!

  3. Seventiesfan1/22/2016 5:04 PM

    A few years ago (on Ebay) I bought the C-3PO pendant, a Darth Vader figure, Stormtrooper figure, C-3PO/R2-D2 T- shirt, Darth Vader pin button, People magazine with Darth Vader and Princes Leia on the cover, and Micronauts Space Glider- all for $7.00.

  4. My R2-D2 pendant was a prize possession as a child. I got one off eBay a couple years ago. Love it.

    Thanks for sharing.


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