Friday, January 15, 2016

Pod Stallions 40: The Micronauts

For our 40th episode we are joined by actor/comedian Chris Tallman (@MrChristallman on twitter) for a celebration of the Interchangeable World of the Micronauts, the classic toy line from Mego that is about to get a major motion picture and new comic book series this year.

The discussion begins with the toy line's Japanese origins, it's halcyon Mego days, the influential Marvel comic book, our childhood impressions, later incarnations and then we pick out favourite toys from the line.

Show notes:
Plenty more content on the PodStallions Facebook page!



  1. I wasn't able to make it through the entire podcast but I caught the part where there seemed to be some confusion as to who wrote the entire ROM spaceknight series. it was Bill Mantlo, which is the same guy who wrote the entire Micronauts (vol.1) series. and if you guys mentioned it in the podcast I must have missed it or tuned out by that point in the show but just for any Mantlo fans out there who may still not know this yet IDW is launching a new series for ROM and The Micronauts later this year.

  2. I mentioned this on an earlier comment, but your comment on the podcast about Mego never releasing tiny missiles with their toys reminded me. Were the missiles shown in this picture ever produced?


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