Monday, January 11, 2016

Micronauts Week

In honour of this Friday's new podcast episode (which is about Micronauts in case you were wondering) I plan to theme this week around Mego's memorable toy line.

Above is a Christmas catalog spread from 1979, it's one of 3 pages that year. '79 was truly my big year with the line and one where all three of those glow in the dark aliens were under the tree and accidentally they taught me the truth behind Santa Claus. I'll save that story for the show.


  1. ROCKET TUBES WERE THE BEST!! I remember the plane launching attachment being included as a "Sears exclusive" here in the states. I got the regular set for Christmas, and right after that a set was returned to our local Sears catalog store for having a couple of missing pieces. We nabbed it for a mere $10! So, twice the tubes plus the plane launcher! Super groovy. :)

  2. i gotta be honest with you guys it's been awhile since you did a podcast i really enjoyed from start to finish. but i'm a huge Micronauts fans so i'm hoping to be impressed with Friday's podcast. i hope you guys will mention and perhaps even speculate on the upcoming IDW Micronauts series which i'm personally looking forward to almost as much as the upcoming ROM spaceknight series from IDW.

  3. Totally jazzed, I love your podcasts and I am a huge Micronauts fan. The packaging - with the Time Travelers seeming to zoom in at you like they were the credits to Superman The Movie... just awesome.

    I and my vintage Pharoid will be listening!

  4. Was wondering what the heck happened to Pod Stallions. Long time Micronauts fan. Just bought the Series 1.5 Space Glider from Palisades on Ebay a few days ago. Probably the closest we'll get to a Marvel based Micronauts action figure. RIP, David Bowie.


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