Friday, January 22, 2016

Hasbro 1973 World of Love Catalog

Hasbro described Love dolls as: "She's what's happening. She's today's American teenager and she's part of the World of Love".

This was an interesting to attempt to combine  Fashion dolls with what was left over of the hippie movement in the early 1970s as Hasbro hoped little girls would clamour to enact adventures for Love and her friends Peace, Flower, Music and Soul.

More Fun from the Doll Commune


  1. Why is "Peace" Captain America?
    Wouldn't Captain Canuck be more appropriate?

  2. Sadly, the term "Love Doll" means something completely different now. Thanks for trying, Hasbro.

  3. I was only two when this came out. This sounds like something I would have gone after if I had been older at the time.


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