Friday, November 20, 2015

Pod Stallions 37 : Godilla

Episode 37 is our first "lost episode" as we had to re-record half of it after a computer glitch (sorry), so we know it's not October. This one has J & B discussing all things Godzilla and his Toho pals, something we're both fans of.
Subjects include our highlights (and lowlights) of his film series, the Hanna Barbera cartoon series, the Marvel comic and of course the many, many awesome toys that take money from (mostly Brian's) our wallets. Sidetrack conversations include Majin monster of Terror, Rack Toys, Johnny Yuma, Ultraman, Rodan,  Psychotronic magazine and the Big Bopper.....
We also want to keep the conversation going on the Pod Stallions Facebook page, please drop a line as to your favourite Godzilla movie and toys. We anxiously await your thoughts.

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Show notes

Plenty more content on the PodStallions Facebook page!



  1. Have you ever seen the clip of Mike Nesmith singing about Rodan to the tune of his hit song "Joanne"?

  2. Awesome episode.

    I wish you two did more episodes per month.

    Have you ever did one on made-for-tv movies?


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