Thursday, September 03, 2015

Sesame Street the Count Play Face and Cape

I actually am kind of angry that I never saw this as a kid, it's incredible!


  1. I'm wondering if they didn't make very many of these! I have been looking around for one and haven't seen anything except for this ad. Could it possibly be an import?

  2. This was before the term "mask" was invented.

  3. I'm responding to this again from post above! My email address is

  4. This is one of those toys every little Sesame Streeter would ask for and then get frightened by once it's bed-time. I don't mind saying so, even as an adult, I wouldn't like waking up in the middle of the night with the Count's evil leering face staring at me.


Due to recent events, I'm limiting comments to google account holders only. Sorry if you're a decent person affected by this but the spam has gotten weird.