Tuesday, March 03, 2015

World's Greatest Super School Supplies

I found this ruler on Ebay a few months ago, i collect Superhero school supplies (sorry ladies, I'm spoken for) but the more interesting thing to me was the hi-jacking of the Mego World's Greatest Superheroes packaging art.

Many of these images were specifically drawn by Mego and didn't appear on other company products, while the seller told me it was a foreign mail in promo, I was leaning towards knock off.

Leave it my buddy Rob over at the Aquaman Shrine to solve this mystery without even being asked. He submitted this, a packaged Aquaman pencil sharpener using the same art. That's some unlicensed Hong Kong goodness there....

1 comment:

  1. I had the Aquaman pencil case growing up. These two items would have been wonderful accessories for it. Also perfect for getting beaten up for being a nerd.

    Glad to contribute to the blog!


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