Friday, November 07, 2014

Starlog stores in Japan

(click on any photo for an enlargement)

Like a lot of 70s kids, I cut my nerdy teeth on Starlog magazine. It was basically my window into a world of wonder that wasn't available where I grew up.

As a struggling student in the 90s, I used to visit the Starlog store in New Jersey twice a year and stare at the toys I couldn't afford. That's why I loved finding these shots and ads for the Starlog store in Japan in the late 1970s, I'd have killed to visit them.

Lots of cool vintage shots after the jump!

Here is a close up of the Tokyo store, not surprising you see back issues of Starlog in the front.

American Comix appears to be the Japanese equiviliant of Heroes World, I can see some Gordy Rack Toys and even a Mego Thing action figure in there. I find it ironic that I used to visit the Starlog store in the states to ogle Japanese toys.

Here is the second store in Osaka, like I said, I'd pay twenty bucks to what it was like inside.

As a bonus vintage Japanese ads for American Star Trek toys

Mego Star Trek aliens were available in Japan thanks to Starlog but where are the Romulan and Andorian?

Mego Phaser and Commuunicator flanked by the AMT Models, I ruined so many of those with my sub par skills.

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