Friday, August 08, 2014

Bionic Spring '77 Extra

In the Spring of 1977 Kenner issued this supplemental catalog to retailers to showcase the innovations in their (then) biggest hit toy lines, the Six Million Dollar Man and the Bionic Woman.

Bionic fever would wane the following year but this was truly a golden time from Bionic fans.

1976 Kenner Six Million Dollar Man Catalog 1977 Kenner Six Million Dollar Man Catalog 1978 Kenner Six Million Dollar Man Catalog


  1. I think he blew his cover in that OSI Undercover Assignment picture :)

  2. Seventiesfan8/08/2014 11:32 PM

    Thanks for posting the catalog. There are actually some photos there I hadn't seen before. And now thanks to COZI TV, we can enjoy the shows again. The scene of Jaime fighting the Fembots in the apartment is a true classic.


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