Tuesday, December 24, 2013

The Christmas Letter

Above is me, Christmas 1971 after having dined on my sister's (absolutely delicious) play-doh. It's the first Christmas I made awkward but certainly not the last....

I just wanted to say take the time to wish all of you a warm and happy Christmas and prosperous new year.

2013 is a year that I'm mostly happy to see the back of with the exception of rhis site, each year it grows into a more and more positive experience and is a steady provider of joy for me.

That's mostly because of you, the wonderful folks who read, comment and help out around here. I'm very thankful for the many friends I've made. To paraphrase from the great Daniel Roebuck, I used to collect toys but now I collect friends.

Thank you to everyone for your comments, kind words and most of all for making me laugh..

Thank you to everyone who bought Rack Toys, the support for my first publication was incredible and intoxicating, I am in your debt.

Thank you for checking out PodStallions and being so gracious with your input and comments, they are all the reward we could hope for.

Most of all thank you for getting the spirit of Plaid Stallions, it's wonderful to put positive energy into something and see it pay back ten times over. The internet can be a negative place and it's so heartening to see it go the otherway so naturally.

My best to you all.


PS: I'm taking off for a few days for obvious reasons, we'll return in the new year with a new Podcast, the retro awards and a new book announcement. See you in the future!


  1. Thank YOU for bringing Plaid Stallions to US! As a hopelessly nostalgic child of the '80s, I enjoy reading your posts and seeing your vintage scans and photos. It's a source of great happiness for me. Have a wonderful holiday and best wishes for 2014!

  2. Merry Christmas! Best wishes for the new year!

  3. Thank YOU and Happiest of Holidays to you and yours. Here's to an amazing 2014!

  4. Back atcha, pally!

    Looking forward to another year of Retro-Groove from my favorite flashback site!

    (>starts bouncing like Animal< -- "NEW BOOK! NEW BOOK!)

  5. Love this site and and all your hard work. Keep up the podcasting!


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