Tuesday, December 03, 2013


Road stars were a fun little series of cheap diecast vehicles that used popular licenses like Spider-Man, Archie, Hogan's Heroes (!) and Space:1999.

There is a lot wrong with this card, in today's world these would all have to be shipped back to the manufacturer or destroyed. First, Space:1999 isn't a Hanna Barbera production, secondly, this isn't a Hawk transporter, it's an Eagle. Hawks were only used in one episode and LJN never made one. They did however make the moon buggy and an alien craft from a memorable episode, more on those later.

Rack Toys: Cheap, Crazed Playthings is a limited edition 144 page book from the creator of Plaid Stallions. We're offering a big bundle at the Mego Museum mall that includes Rack Toys and other items at a terrific price, it makes a great Christmas present!

1 comment:

  1. This is actually the second try by them with the "Hawk." The first one was painted dark blue and had a grey semi-hard rubber cover that represented the spine latticework.

    But it did have sort-of Hawk engines.

    Somebody kype these pictures for posterity, before they vanish forever...




    (who got his from the Gautier TG&Y)


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