Monday, December 23, 2013

Christmas Cowboys

Although they were far past prime, Western action figures were still very much a viable commodity in the 1970s. I'd even be willing to argue that Gabriel's seminal Lone Ranger line may be one of the top ten action figure lines of the 1970s.

Check em all out here:

Lone RangerJohnny West toys


  1. Did you post this for me? What a nice Christmas present! Thank you!

  2. Great! My dad was a huge fan of the show growing up, so when these toys came out, he bought me both the Lone Ranger and Silver. I remember them fondly.

  3. I have Johnny West, Sam Cobra, Geronimo, and the tan horse. I loved all the accessories that came with Sam, especially the 2-piece derringer hidden in an 8 ball. You never can tell when you'll be playing pool, then need to open up the 8 ball, extract and assemble the derringer, and give someone a flesh wound.


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