Thursday, July 04, 2013

Galactic Attack Dome

The post Star Wars era was a gold mine for space toys, take this set by Multiple (now going by Miner) in 1980. I kind of want to play with this now....


  1. What manner of sorcery is this?

    Looks awesome.. inspired by several different things at once, but unrecognizable as a whole.

  2. My God. One could have had hours of earthquake/attack scenario fun with that one. I imagine the tiny colonists cowering beneath an onslaught from G.I. Joe, Stretch Armstrong, and Barbie (we were always eclectic)...

  3. I kinda want this one right now!

  4. Forget "kinda want"--I DO want this, like right NOW!

    If anyone out there has any more photos of this, PLEASE send them to our host for publication here.

    (how tha HELL did I miss out on this when it came out?)

  5. Why have i never heard of this?! WANT!

  6. AT LAST! It's the Golden Fleece, the Ark of the Covenant and every McGuffin all rolled into one! I have searched for years for this toy on the interwebs. I painstakingly saved my nickels and dimes for months to buy this when I spotted it in a TG&Y circular. THANK YOU so much for featuring it! And yes, it was just as much fun as it looks.

  7. It was very flimsy, even for cardboard, but it was fun.

  8. I actually have most of this play set. My younger brother got it for Christmas in 1980. I have a pic I could post of him with it. I don't have the cardboard dome base anymore. It got crushed/damaged, then trashed. I have all the clear plastic pieces for the domes, some of the cardboard pillars(different colors than the catalog pic), all the plastics figures(about 60+), the rockets, and one of the tanks. Missing one tank. How do you post pics here?


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