Thursday, March 07, 2013

Fisher Price appreciation day

I hereby decree this day Fisher Price appreciation day, have you called your little people and thanked them yet?


  1. No, but I can thank you, can't I? :)

  2. My mother still has that castle.

  3. The more I read this blog, the more I realize how spoiled I was as a child. I had both the castle and the parking garage.

  4. OMG, I had the barn set (loved it!!), the A frame house and the schoolhouse. Ah, the benefits of being the youngest!

    That castle is awesome - I want that now so I could play with the horses & dragon!

  5. love FP little people!!! best toys ever.

  6. The Little People. I had some of those and some of the houses and playsets as well.

  7. I had the school, the plane (not pictured) and the ship (also not pictured). My mother sold my school at a garage sale when I outgrew it. I picked up another one at an estate sale last summer. I also picked up the barn which I never had. I love that A frame house, I've never seen it before.

  8. We had the A-frame! Mom took the clapper out of the doorbell, for obvious reasons.

  9. Didn't the barn make a mooing noise when the door was opened?

  10. I had all three sets down the right side of that picture (LOVED the A-frame and parking garage). We actually have the school from my wife's childhood in our current family playroom.

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  11. Thank you, Fisher-Price - and thank you for reminding me about these! I still have my castle and school, but the others I had (A-frame, barn, etc.) are long-lost to the hand-me-down mists of younger relatives, alas.

    That castle, btw, withstood not only my play, but also my son's, and will probably outlast us both.


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