Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Zig Zag

Years of working on this blog have likely obscured my judgement but I would totally rock this.


  1. If you say so, dude! ;) That looks like a bad carpet pattern if you ask me. LOL

  2. If you do decide to rock it, please limit that to Halloween since that is the only day no one would make fun of you for wearing it! Unlike boys and girls, most adults don't dress super dumb compared to the 1970s so you wouldn't have that built-in obvious excuse.

  3. I think vintage clothing from this era is cool (seriously). At least back then you could tell the difference between male and female. People today don't even know what " dressing up" is!

  4. Love your site. Your comments always make me laugh. I don't udnerstand...Wayne and Shuster made millions, and here you are with real wit. How to get someone with actual talent like yourself plugged onto the CBC "alledged" comedy system. Wish I knew, you deserve it.

  5. I concur - that IS one cool shirt :)

    Oh, to have a time machine and zip back to an era when this was hip! Just for one day, man...


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