Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Ghost who walks (in pharmacy toy aisles)

The Phantom got a lot of cool Rack Toy love in the 70s, which is pretty cool considering he didn't have a cartoon show to back him up. 

I like all of the toys but this set, this one is something I'm actively searching for. Seriously, if you have one of these for sale, I've got a Tarzan set that is ever so lonely.......

Get our new book "Rack Toys" at our shop!


  1. I feel like I would have been all over this as a kid if I'd seen one. A Phantom figure? Heck yeah!

    By the time Defenders of the Earth came out, I was mostly over that. But now, I'd be all over it again!

  2. Just want to say I bought the book and enjoyed it. The one downside is that you stir up a lot of curiosity.

    If you're thinking of a follow-up I vote for fewer parachutes and more about the world behind the toys. How did the standard hanging package evolve? What were the mechanics (and politics) of getting product into stores? What the heck is blow-molding? Think there's a story like comic books here.

  3. I'm planning more of an "insider" book in the near future, that's a big story to tell and it interfered with the aesthetic i had planned for Rack Toys.

  4. Even if there wasn't a show, The Phantom had been around for quite a while, and I'm sure more than one parent (dads especially) shopping alone saw this and bought it to introduce their kid to The Phantom.


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