Friday, January 25, 2013

The Muppet Show 1981 Catalog

1981 and the world wide phenom known as the Muppet Show was still going strong buoyed mainly by it's second feature film "The Great Muppet Caper" that summer. Fisher Price, was still popping out the merchandise and made several new editions to line including Piggy in her Pigs in Space Uniform.

Click the pics or this link to see all the Hensony goodness of the 1981 Fisher Price Muppet Show Catalog.

Other Fisher Price Links


  1. I was only 2 years old back in 1981, so I don't remember any of this. I like the dress available for Miss Piggy, but I think that sailor outfit makes her look like a little kid - um, piglet! ^_^

  2. I have the "Pigs In Space" outfit carded, just because I found it at a thrift store and couldn't just leave it there, but I've never owned the doll.

  3. I had that Miss Piggy doll!

  4. The term Hensony goodness honestly brings warmth to the cockles of my heart.
    Good times!


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