Friday, December 21, 2012

Rack Toys: Cheap, Crazed Playthings is now available!

After almost three years in the making, the finished inventory of our first book "Rack Toys, Cheap, Crazed Playthings" have arrived at the Mantooth Warehouse.

I am pleased to announce it's available to order from the PlaidStallions store right now. If you buy through us you'll get three exclusive Rack Toys post cards, however, the book is also available on Amazon.

For those just tuning in, Rack Toys is a celebration of fun toys that broke super easy and covers such generes as Superheroes, Monsters and Horror, Saturday morning cartoons, Generic items and dreaded knock offs.

If you were a child during the 60s to the 90s, there is something you likely had or wanted within this 144 page, full color book.

For now, I'm going to sit in shock and figure out where to put them all. To all of you who followed the progress here and on facebook,  emailed me, asked me questions, sent me photos or gave me advice, thank you.

Please don't stop, for everyone that orders a copy, please tell me your thoughts and spread the word. 

 We'll be closing briefly for the Christmas break (as will the Canadian post office so, no harm done) but orders will continue shipping out next week.


  1. Got mine ordered! I'll post about it on my blog soon too.

  2. I have one pre-ordered from Amazon -- i hope i get it soon! :o)

    -David Schumacker

  3. Hey David,

    I just sent the Amazon order express, they might actually have it Monday. So you could have it real, real soon.

  4. Awesome! Can't wait! Thanks so much, Bri!


  5. Just ordered the Rack Toys Bundle!

    Looking forward to the Retro-AWESOME!

    (I'll get you shots of Brick fig #1 reading them)


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