Saturday, September 01, 2012

A bounty on his head

This vintage toy shot means a lot because well, it's me. I found this picture while cleaning my garage last weekend and it's one that's very special. 12" IG-88 was not easily found in Canada (and purists will note that's an American box beside me) and I remember being really happy with this.

Sadly, I sold hin during lean times in college, it's a long shot but if you purchased a 12" IG-88 at the Toronto toy show circa 1990-91 from a tall, possibly hung over man please drop me a line. I'd love to have him back.

Before you say it, I'm totally aware my fly is open. Also, happy to add that my grandmother's living room is exactly the same 32 years later. No wonder I like going there.


  1. Love it!! Thanks for the chuckle!

  2. Never got into the 12 inch figures. Too much to lug around.

  3. Still got mine after all these years. Good luck getting him back. Maybe a certain Fett can help you, for a small fee...

  4. Great picture,I recently treated myself to a boxed '12 Bobba Fett from the same time.Had many a happy hour battling him against Luke.I have a British toy shop photo i'd like to send but can't get the e mail on your site to work(i'm in the U.K.).If you e mail me at "" i'll gladly mail it over to you if you are interested.Cheers,Scott.


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