Friday, April 27, 2012

Hasbro Charlie's Angels for 1977

The 1976 TV debut of Charlie's Angels was somewhat reviled by TV critics but a runaway hit with the audience which not only included men but young girls who saw the crime fighting trio as role models. This lead to merchandising and in 1977 "Angel Mania" hit toy shelves, Farrah Fawcett and Jaclyn Smith signed their likeness to Mego for celebrity fashion folls but the main event was the Hasbro line of 9" figures based on the series.


Toy fair 1977 saw the launch of the dolls and their fashions/adventure packs, the line would grow in 1978 and actually include cast member changes.

More Charlies Angels!


  1. That's awesome! It's rumored that I was named after Sabrina from Charlie's Angels, so it's cool that I share the name with one of the dolls/characters. I should hunt that down just to have it!

  2. As you know from previous entries, I was a HUGE Charlie's Angels fan when I was a kid, so I had all the dolls. I pulled them out and took photos of them. You can see them here:

    Pick Me! » Charlie’s Angels Dolls

    After looking at your catalog pics, I realized that the fluffy feathery dress actually looks BETTER with age. Losing most of the feathers makes my Kate Jackson doll look like a glamorous Angel instead of a muppet like the catalog shows.


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