Wednesday, March 28, 2012


70s satin

Does anybody else think these two look naked without boxing gloves?


  1. They must not live in Canada or they have the heat turned up. Satin provides no warmth. Brrr..makes me chilly to look at it.

  2. I love the feel of satin. And she looks hot.

  3. Why was every male model in the 70's required to have shag carpet on his chest?

  4. Does anyone else think that this could be Melinda Culea who played Amy Amanda Allen in The A-Team?

  5. Lloyd Christmas3/28/2012 7:34 PM

    @Bob I believe you are correct!

  6. Agreed. And my research seems to back it up...

    >from IMDb...

    "Melinda Culea was born in a suburb of Chicago on May 5, 1955. At the age of 20, she moved to New York to join a prestigious modeling agency..."

    Thus, she started modelling in 75.

    So if it isn't her, it's a VERY GOOD lookalike (which isn't a bad thing at all.)

    (any more shots you have of Miss Melinda--or her double--please feel free to post them, Boss)

  7. Well no wonder I thought she was hot!


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