Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Wedding Jitters

Note to toy manufacturers, when producing "Beautiful Bride" type dolls, try not to make their faces so "Twilight Zone creepy" perhaps keep them more at a "Night Gallery" level....


  1. Agreed. Those faces ARE creepy! @_@ I'm wondering what little girl would be attracted to a doll like that???

  2. That one doll appears to have a bullet hole in her head. She must be the bride form Andy Milligan's Carnage.

  3. Those are seriously creepy. My jujuphobia would be flaring up around those things.

  4. You really have to love the lighting on this pic. How else would you explain the dark souless pits of the doll on the left? Nothing says I want to live in your dreams....and nightmares quite like a eyeless doll.


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