Monday, October 31, 2011

Sparkling Super Monsters

This past summer I encountered something I didn't know existed and yet I could not live without, it's a bit of rack toy joy. Much more after the jump:

It's an unused display box of AHI wind up little walkers and while it's obvious these (a) aren't manufactured by AHI and (b) are not licensed, the original name is still used which is knock off gold. I would assume that these guys were produced sometime in the 1980s.

What I really like about these is how many people had em as kids. I have non toy collector friends who freak out when they see this display.

The assortment is heavy on the Creature and light on King Kong, which is odd because I never find the Creature in the wild.
The big tells in these and the original AHI ones are the key and the feet, you can see more at

Stay Tuned for more Halloween Goodness today

1 comment:

  1. I have all three of these, mint. Got them in a junk shop in Florida in the 80s. I also got a godzilla and king kong on skateboards.


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